Be patient and repeat the training it will come just trust in your puppy!


Full bladder control usually comes in at about 20 weeks of age. So you will have accidents and it's not the puppy doing it on purpose.


Keep a record where you can easily update it (pad on a fridge). Note down every poop and wee that your puppy does. If you know when they are likely to go as you will see some patterns you can set them up to succeed and get them outside around those times.


You will also find that after certain activities puppy's will need the toilet. It may be after some excitable play time, a guest visits the house which is high energy time, dinner time and other daily events that they soon need a toilet break after. Other signs you may see are them circling near the garden or front door or in the sitting room or perhaps they start to walk around with intense sniffing. Watch for these telling signs and give your dog the chance to then go outside with you.


Don't worry if they don't go pop them back out in a little while. Soon as they do go whats important is to reward them with positive reinforcement every time. Don't tell them off if it all goes wrong and they have an accident it doesn't matter. Hooman babies poop in their nappy or have accidents when they are toilet training and we don't tell them off its just the same.


Give your new fur family member every chance to get out for the toilet on a regular basis and around those typical toilet times and give them praise once they toilet outside.


We hope this helps get you started! If you are still struggling we can do online training, puppy home package or we also cover these hot topics in puppy classes.


Good luck!